the good work.

Anxiety & Depression

What are anxiety and depression? Anxiety can be feelings in your body, like butterflies or a tight chest, restlessness and fatigue. It can be characterised by worrying, over thinking or obsessive thoughts and catastrophising. Anxiety can feel scary, and overwhelming. Symptoms vary between people, and can increase and decrease as you do different things. Some people struggle with sleep and relaxation, feeling like they are always on high alert.

Depression is a low mood that lasts for an extended period of time. Symptoms can vary, but may include feeling low or lost, hopelessness and lack of energy. Sometimes people can have intrusive thoughts, and question their reason for being alive. This can be scary, and feel like there is no hope, but talking therapies are proven to help with depression. Discussing life events that have led to this point can bring lightness, and the chance to lift the heaviness of depression