Is January the only time for change and new beginnings? With the change of the season from summer to fall, the leaves on the trees are often the first thing we think of. There are many other elements of change as we move into the colder months that often make
Why is food difficult? Our relationship with food can be complicated, and a result of a wide variety of factors. Food can often represent a means for control when we have no control over other areas in our life, it can be an emotional support when we don’t have the
What is group therapy? This is a question I am often asked by clients who are confused about the concept. Group therapy is a small, regular group meeting facilitated by a practitioner. It is a safe, and contained space where you can explore different themes, in the presence of others.
Why is spring so hopeful? Spring for me is a time of new beginnings. As we limp towards the finish line of the winter marathon of dark early evenings and hibernation. The signs of the season changing can often be difficult to see, after so many months of grey. This
What is eating disorder awareness week? By raising awareness and educating people about eating disorders, we will improve understanding of the affects of the illness and help people access support. What are types of eating disorder? You may have heard of anorexia and bulimia, there are lesser known eating disorders